Changing User Perspectives on Social Media During Sudden Events:Based on Multilevel Weibo Comments
中文关键词: 突发事件;社交媒体;多层级评论;用户观点;认知负荷理论
英文关键词: Sudden Event; Social Media; Multilevel Comment; User Perspective; Cognitive Load Theory
胡媛 南昌大学公共政策与管理学院;江西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地数字素养与技能提升中心 
廖文涛 南昌大学公共政策与管理学院 
艾欣怡 南昌大学公共政策与管理学院 
刘婷 南昌大学公共政策与管理学院;江西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地数字素养与技能提升中心 
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      In the context of sudden events, comments at different levels can reveal the nuanced changes in user perspectives, which is of significant importance for capturing the contradictions in public opinion and managing online sentiments. This study focuses on Weibo comments related to sudden events and employs a TF-IDF-based LDA model, sentiment analysis, and Kruskal-Wallis variance testing to compare the changes in user perspectives across different comment levels, considering both user focal points and emotional variations. The research findings indicate that, in terms of user focus, as the level of comments increases, the focal points of users change and the topics of discussion evolve. First-level comments exhibit the strongest relevance and specificity regarding the events, and second-level comments pay more attention to the development and management process of the events, while third-level comments highlight the conflicts and contradictions among users. Emotionally, all levels of comments express a strong negative tendency, but significant differences in emotional expressions exist across the levels: deeper levels exhibit increasingly negative sentiments, with third-level comments containing more implicit negative emotional language than first-level and second-level comments, aligning with cognitive load theory. This study provides a more specific research perspective on the information behavior of social media users and online sentiments.
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