陈廉芳,夏晶.大学生数字深阅读影响因素fsQCA组态分析[J].数字图书馆论坛,2024,20(7):54~62 |
大学生数字深阅读影响因素fsQCA组态分析 |
Configuration Analysis of Impact Factors of University Students’ Digital Deep Reading Based on fsQCA |
投稿时间:2024-04-01 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1673-2286.2024.07.006 |
中文关键词: 深阅读;数字阅读;阅读推广;定性比较分析;大学生 |
英文关键词: Deep Reading; Digital Reading; Reading Promotion; Qualitative Comparative Analysis; University Student |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 陈廉芳 | 福建医科大学图书馆 | 夏晶 | 福建医科大学图书馆 |
摘要点击次数: 441 |
全文下载次数: 2141 |
中文摘要: |
在数智时代,大学生越来越倾向于数字阅读,数字阅读深度值得关注。为了探索大学生数字深阅读形成因素,以已有研究文献为理论基础构建数字深阅读影响因素模型,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法探究大学生数字深阅读组态影响因素。单因素必要性分析得出阅读客体感知有用和感知易用为必要条件;组态条件充分性分析得出7条大学生数字深阅读实现路径,归纳为技术驱动型、热度引领型和主体主导型3种类型。研究结论表明大学生数字深阅读体现出“内容为王,联结致胜”的特点,对此提出改善大学生数字深阅读的4个建议:文献资源建设泛在化、数字技术驱动智慧化、阅读热点营造聚焦化和数字素养教育日常化。 |
英文摘要: |
In the era of digital intelligence, university students are increasingly inclined towards digital reading, and the depth of digital reading deserves attention. In order to explore the development of university students’ digital deep reading, the paper constructs a digital deep reading impact factor model based on existing research literature. The fsQCA method is used to explore its impact factors. The necessity analysis shows that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of reading object are the necessary conditions. The adequacy analysis of the configuration conditions obtains seven realization paths for digital deep reading, which can be summarized into three types: technology-driven, heat-facilitated, and subject-oriented. The results show that university students’ digital deep reading embodies the characteristic of “content dominates, connection wins”. The paper puts forward four suggestions to improve digital deep reading among university students, including the ubiquity of literature resources construction, the intelligent transformation of driving technology, the focus of reading hotspot construction, and the universalization of digital literacy education. |
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