Opportunities, Advantages, and Countermeasures for Development and Governance of Open Science in China
中文关键词: 开放科学;治理;开放获取;政策建议
英文关键词: Open Science; Governance; Open Access; Policy Recommendation
基金项目:本研究得到中国科协科技期刊项目“中国科技期刊国际声誉调查”(编号:2022KJQK018)、福建省社会科学基金“‘数字福建’战略下科 学信息全媒体传播模式构建与策略研究”(编号:FJ2022C086)资助。
任延刚 《北京大学学报(医学版)》编辑部 
马瀚青 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院文献情报中心 
王嘉昀 厦门大学新闻传播学院 
摘要点击次数: 290
全文下载次数: 270
      Open science is the key strategy and development trend of global scientific research development, which has a profound impact on China’s goal of becoming a world science and technology powerhouse. This paper sorts out China’s opportunities and advantages in the field of open science and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for China to develop open science and participate in global open science governance. Open science itself has a strong intrinsic development drive mechanism. China’s system can give full play to the appeal of the government from the top down, and huge scientific research outputs provide conditions for the development of open science. China’s open science has begun to take shape. In view of the current thinking mode and the limitations of the scientific research system, China needs to actively promote the top-level design of open science, quickly prepare for the establishment of open science institutions and infrastructures, improve the environment of open science development, balance the relationship between the development of open science and intellectual property protection, and strengthen the coordinated development of open science and industry.
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