Logical Path, Realistic Challenge, and Optimization Path of Metaverse Enabling Information Literacy Education
中文关键词: 元宇宙;信息素养教育;虚实交融;逻辑理路;现实挑战;优化路径
英文关键词: Metaverse; Information Literacy Education; Integration of Virtuality and Reality;Logical Path; Realistic Challenge; Optimization Path
李琳 西北政法大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 299
全文下载次数: 372
      The metaverse will bring humanity into a new digital era, and constantly promote human development into the digital advanced form. With the blessing of metaverse technology groups such as artificial intelligence technology, interactive technology, Internet of Things technology, digital twin, and block chain, their characteristics such as deep immersion, interaction, and freedom provide new possibilities for the construction of information literacy education field that integrates virtual and real. Therefore, this paper starts from the intrinsic mechanism of metaverse enabling information literacy education, such as connotation and characteristics, and optimizes the basic structure of information literacy education, which is mainly reflected in information literacy education model, education method, education subject and object, education environment, and education evaluation. It is clear that the metaverse enabling information literacy education faces the realistic challenges of lack of national supervision means, immature key technologies, and relatively prominent ethical issues such as privacy. This paper puts forward some optimization paths, such as formulating relevant national legal supervision system, consolidating the foundation of metaverse technology, strengthening ethical supervision, and pursuing the moral regression of metaverse enabling information literacy education, so as to provide support for the high-quality development of information literacy education.
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