Analysis of China’s Privacy Protection Law and Regulation System from Dual Perspectives of Structural Characteristics and Policy Tools
中文关键词: 隐私保护;法律法规;结构特征;政策工具
英文关键词: Privacy Protection; Law and Regulation; Structural Characteristic; Policy Tool
基金项目:本研究得到郑州大学人文社会科学优秀青年科研团队资助项目“政府开放数据隐私风险治理效能评估研究”(编号:2023-QNTD-07)、 国家社会科学基金重大项目“政府数据的隐私风险计量与保护机制创新研究”(编号:21&ZD338)资助。
耿瑞利 郑州大学信息管理学院;郑州市数据科学研究中心 
武川川 郑州大学信息管理学院 
臧国全 郑州大学信息管理学院;郑州市数据科学研究中心 
徐梦婷 西安电子科技大学计算机科学与技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 345
全文下载次数: 254
      The individual privacy protection law and regulation system is a powerful tool for protecting personal privacy rights and preventing privacy disclosure. By analyzing and exploring it from the perspectives of structural characteristics and policy tools, this paper revealed the logical structure, value pathways, and existing problems. A total of 72 laws and regulations related to privacy protection in China were collected, and 651 relevant clauses were coded and interpreted using the content analysis method. The structural characteristics were analyzed from the dimensions of issuing time, subject, participant, and means of protection. Policy tool values were evaluated from three dimensions: environment, demand, and supply. Finally, a cross-analysis was conducted based on dual perspectives. This paper found that the logical structure of China’s privacy protection law and regulation system was characterized by strong collaboration among issuing subjects, domain integration, and diversification of participants. The value pathway was characterized by a focus on policy use and the indirect role of environmental policies. But there were also problems such as imbalanced policy tool structure, weak complementary effects, and limited channels for public participation. Countermeasures and suggestions were proposed to provide references for the improvement of the law and regulation system.
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