Influencing Factors of Information Exchange Behavior of Elderly Users in Picture-Text Community Based on Grounded Theory
中文关键词: 图文社区;信息交流;老年用户;美篇App
英文关键词: Picture-Text Community; Information Exchange; Elderly User; Meipian App
基金项目:本研究得到陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目(青年教师自由探索项目)“数智时代下虚拟学术社区知识聚合及服务创新 研究”(编号:2023KYQDF0013)资助。
卢恒 陕西师范大学新闻与传播学院 
李文洁 陕西师范大学新闻与传播学院 
石剑兰 陕西省社会科学院信息中心 
摘要点击次数: 700
全文下载次数: 658
      探索图文社区老年用户信息交流行为的影响机理,对于解决老龄化背景下平台现存的“不适老”问题具有重要意义。以被称为“老红书”的图文社区美篇App为研究情境,在扎根理论的指导下通过半结构化访谈和网络爬虫获得原始资料,再使用Nvivo 11.0软件对原始资料进行三级编码,最终构建图文社区老年用户信息交流行为影响机理模型。研究表明用户需求、用户感知、信息质量、社区认同和同伴影响是图文社区老年用户信息交流行为的重要影响因素。与年轻人社区相比,美篇App内老年用户的精神追求凸显。研究结果可为平台的运营管理和适老化设计提供参考建议。
      Exploring the impact mechanism of information exchange behavior among elderly users in picture-text communities is of great significance for addressing the existing “not friendly to the elderly” issues on platforms in the context of aging. We take the picture-text community Meipian App, known as “Laohongshu”, as the research context. Guided by the grounded theory, we obtain the original materials through semi-structured interviews and web crawler, and then use Nvivo 11.0 to encode the original materials in three levels. Finally, we construct the influence mechanism model for information exchange behavior of elderly users in picture-text community. Research has shown that user needs, user perception, information quality, community identity, and peer influence are important influencing factors for the information exchange behavior of elderly users in picture-text community. We also find that compared with the youth community, the spiritual pursuit of elderly users in Meipian App is particularly strong. Based on the research results, reference suggestions can be provided for the operation and management of the platform and the design for aging adaptation.
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