沈雪莹,欧石燕,卢彤彤.中国古代文人生平知识图谱构建与应用 ——以李白和杜甫为例[J].数字图书馆论坛,2023,(8):1~14
中国古代文人生平知识图谱构建与应用 ——以李白和杜甫为例
Construction and Application of Knowledge Graphs of Lives of Ancient Chinese Literati:Taking Li Bai and Du Fu as Examples
中文关键词: 传记语义组织;人物生平知识图谱;生平可视化;作品风格演化呈现
英文关键词: Biographical Content Semantic Organization; Biographical Knowledge Graph; Biography Visualization; Presentation of Style Evolution of Works
沈雪莹 南京大学信息管理学院 
欧石燕 南京大学信息管理学院 
卢彤彤 南京大学信息管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1028
全文下载次数: 920
      Ancient Chinese literati play a pivotal role as creators and disseminators of traditional culture. Organizing the semantic content of their biographies and works is instrumental in elevating the knowledge services related to historical culture. This paper utilizes ontology and semantic web technologies to semantically represent the life stories of literati, with a focus on their life events and the content of their works. Starting from the spatiotemporal dimension of literati’s lives, it constructs s mantic associations between the life events and work information of literati. The aim is to present and analyze the life experiences and evolutionary characteristics of their thoughts through visualization techniques. Using Li Bai and Du Fu as examples, a semi-automatic annotation of the life and works information of literati is performed based on the constructed semantic model of ancient literati, creating a biographical knowledge graph of “Li- Du”, which is then stored in Neo4j graph database. Visualization techniques are used to showcase and analyze interpersonal relationships, life events at different stages, temporal-spatial trajectories, and the evolution of the style of their works. By emphasizing the spatiotemporal aspects of lierati’s life experiences and connecting them with the characteristics of their works, we can intuitively observe the connection between their life experiences and changes in thoughts and emotions, so as to support traditional humanities studies.
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