Research Progress on Library Data Ethics
中文关键词: 图书馆;数据伦理;伦理风险;数据治理;治理框架
英文关键词: Library; Data Ethics; Ethical Risk; Data Governance; Governance Framework
基金项目:本研究得到广西哲学社会科学规划研究课题“数智时代高校图书馆数据治理的伦理机制研究”(编号:22FTQ003)、国家社会科学基金 西部项目“智能媒体时代大学出版社知识服务供需匹配及其策略创新研究”(编号:22XXW003)资助。
苏杰初 广西师范大学图书馆 
卿莉 广西师范大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 1100
全文下载次数: 1366
      By using the method of literature synthesis, this paper reviews the data ethics research of libraries at home and abroad. The literature research shows that the research on library data ethics mainly focuses on the concept and characteristics of data ethics, the risk and source of data ethics, the management of data ethics risk, and data ethics education. However, there is still a lack of systematic research and construction on the elements and systems of library data ethics and the framework and mechanism of data ethics governance at home and abroad, causing insufficient guidance and foresight of theoretical achievements for practice. At the same time, compared with foreign countries, there is still a lack of interview survey and empirical research on the practice of library data ethics in China, and the operability and effectiveness of relevant research strategies remain to be tested. In the future, the research of data ethics in domestic libraries should strengthen the empirical analysis of the practice of data ethics and pay attention to the comprehensive application of multidisciplinary methods and technical means, so as to systematically study the elements and system construction of data ethics to strengthen the core theoretical foundation, and to explore the construction of data ethics framework and mechanism to provide governance guarantee and path. The ultimate goal is the ethical governance and value realization of library data resources.
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