郑志明,周雷,燕娜,叶浅草,凡庆涛.德国Projekt DEAL联盟开放获取实施效果初探[J].数字图书馆论坛,2023,(4):46~54
德国Projekt DEAL联盟开放获取实施效果初探
Open Access Implementation Effect of Projekt DEAL in Germany
中文关键词: 开放科学;开放获取;Projekt DEAL;德国;转换协议
英文关键词: Open Science; Open Access; Projekt DEAL; Germany; Transfer Agreement
基金项目:本研究得到北京市级财政项目“北京开放科学集成服务平台提升与优化”(编号:1220239910KF001-01)、北京市级财政智库项目“开 放科学背景下科研范式迭代升级及北京应对策略研究”(编号:1220239910KF001-11)资助。
郑志明 北京国际科技合作中心 
周雷 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所;开放科学国际创新联盟 
燕娜 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所;开放科学国际创新联盟 
叶浅草 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所;开放科学国际创新联盟 
凡庆涛 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所;开放科学国际创新联盟 
摘要点击次数: 962
全文下载次数: 854
      从组织机构、目的目标、协议内容、费用模型等方面分析德国Projekt DEAL联盟开放获取实施情况,并根据全德、部分地区以及机构的OA论文数量情况对实施效果进行评价,发现Projekt DEAL联盟具有对开放获取提升效果显著、支出结构透明、资金使用高效等优点,但同时也存在出版费用偏高、成本控制有风险、出版商集聚程度加深、垄断加剧、管理较费时费力等劣势。从加强政策层面开放获取设计、加大基础科研管理信息共享力度、多维创新实现开放获取、完善科研评价制度4个方面对我国加速开放获取工作提出建议。
      This paper analyzes the implementation of open access of German Projekt DEAL alliance from the aspects of organization, objectives, agreement content, cost model, etc., and evaluates the impact of the project from the number of open access papers in Germany, some regions, and institutions. It is found that Projekt DEAL alliance has a significant improvement effect on open access, and its expenditure structure is more transparent and the use of funds is more efficient. However, there are some disadvantages such as high publishing costs, risk in cost control, deepening concentration of publishers, aggravating monopoly, and time-consuming and laborious management. We put forward suggestions for accelerating open access from four aspects: strengthening the design of open access at the policy level, strengthening the sharing of basic scientific research management information, realizing open access through multidimensional innovation, and improving the scientific research evaluation system.
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