Research on the Construction of Theoretical System of Information Science with Chinese Characteristics Based on Bibliometrics
中文关键词: 中国特色;情报学;理论体系;凝练路径
英文关键词: Chinese Characteristics; Information Science; Theoretical System; Condensed Path
马海群 黑龙江大学信息资源管理研究中心 
张斌 湖南农业大学公共管理与法学学院 
摘要点击次数: 944
全文下载次数: 996
      This paper analyzes the current research contents of information science in China to provide reference for the construction of the theoretical system of information science with Chinese characteristics, so as to better promote the integration of the development of information science with the reality of Chinese characteristics. Taking the articles published in CSSCI journals in the field of information science as research samples, five of them were selected for sample analysis on the basis of overall analysis. It is found that in the past 20 years, the total number of articles published in the field of information science has shown a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, but the quality of articles has risen slowly, indicating that the research content in the field of information science has gradually deepened and the research field has gradually expanded; The research topic has gradually shifted from information to data, which is highly consistent with the development of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”; In terms of research methods, it is more inclined to directly conduct quantitative analysis on the data and display it through visual tools, making the conclusions more reliable; It is not enough to focus on China’s reality in the study of the problem scenario selection. At the same time, the conceptual model of the theoretical system of information science with Chinese characteristics is constructed based on the logical changes of the research problems of five journals, and the “three-step” path to condense the theoretical system of information science with Chinese characteristics is proposed.
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