COVID-19 Research Status Based on Bibliometrics
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎;文献计量;研究现状
英文关键词: COVID-19; Bibiometrics; Research Status
李爱花 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
任慧玲 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
张玢 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 4531
全文下载次数: 2368
      Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019, the research literature has increased rapidly. Up to March 20, 2020, there have been 3?086 scientific literatures on COVID-19 published in the PubMed and SinoMed database, and 701 in the biomedical preprint platform BioRxiv/MedRxiv. In this paper, we make a bibliometric analysis of Chinese and English literature from the perspectives of journal source, publication time, author organization and research focus. Results: ①At present, Chinese literature accounts for 59% of the total number of related literature, and mainland China contributed for 78% of the total literature (including co-authored literature), followed by the United States and the United Kingdom. Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University are the institutions with the largest output of Chinese and English literature; ②The research content of Chinese literature focuses on the fields of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, community / population epidemic prevention and control, reflecting the advantages of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine in epidemic prevention and control; however, the literature on virus tracing, detection methods, drug and vaccine development are mainly published in English journals, and relatively less published in Chinese journals. It is suggested that when we are actively publishing our research in English journals, we also need to pay more attention to publish important results to Chinese journals and share them in our own mother language.
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