Evaluation of Website Influence for University Libraries Based on Link Analysis Method
中文关键词: 高校图书馆网站;网站影响力;网站评价;链接分析法;“双一流”大学
英文关键词: University Library Website; Website Influence; Website Evaluation; Link Analysis; the “Double-Class” Universities
卢文辉 南京大学信息管理学院 
高仪婷 南京大学信息管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 2849
全文下载次数: 2246
      The library website is an important window for the library to carry out online services. To improve the level of library website construction, it is necessary to strengthen the evaluation of the library website’s influence. Based on the link analysis method, the article takes the library websites of 42 “Double-Class” universities as the research object, and builds a website influence evaluation index system, using tools such as Google and webmaster tools combined with gray correlation analysis method. The influence of the website of the “Double-Class” university library website was evaluated. The study has comes out the ranking of the influence of the university library websites, and found that although the scale of the website construction is generally complete, the gap between the websites is large. Although the internal information and structure of the website are rich and reasonable, the external influence needs to be strengthened. The overall quality of the website is good, but the user attention and utilization need to be improved. Based on this, the article puts forward relevant suggestions from the aspects of website positioning, website promotion, website content construction, website capital investment and so on.
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