刘艳.基于数字足迹的公共图书馆社会化阅读 服务研究[J].数字图书馆论坛,2018,(11):52~57
基于数字足迹的公共图书馆社会化阅读 服务研究
Research on the Construction of Public Library's Social Reading Service Based on Readers' Digital Footprint
中文关键词: 社会化阅读;数字足迹;用户画像;公共图书馆
英文关键词: Social Reading; Digital Footprint; Persona; Public Library
刘艳 江西省图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 2098
全文下载次数: 1540
      With the rapid development of mobile interconnection and social media technology, modern digital reading begins to appear social turning line, reading and social depth fusion, forming social reading, more and more accepted and integrated by modern people. This paper analyzes the role of digital footprint in the accurate push of socialized reading from the point of view of socialized reading. At the same time, it also analyzes the existing problems of socialized reading, and points out that under the trend of socialization of reading, this paper discusses on the short board of the current reading service platform of public library and the advantages of developing the socialized reading service. At last, the article constructs the multi-platform, depicts the user’s portrait, and draws the resources. In this paper, the author points out that the public library should develop socialized reading service in four directions: the improvement of readers’ digital literacy.
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