A Comparison Study on Citation Index:Commercial Databases and Open Access Systems
中文关键词: 商业性引文数据库;开放获取引文系统;数据库完整性;数据库重复率
英文关键词: Citation Index Database;Open Access System;Database Coverage;Database Overlap
蔡明月 国立政治大学 
摘要点击次数: 2114
全文下载次数: 1372
      本文旨在以商业引文数据库和开放获取引文系统为研究对象,深入比较两种学术传播机制的特色及涵盖资源的完整性、重复性与独特性。研究以经济学开放获取期刊论文系统Research Papers in Economics收录的2001—2012年共25位诺贝尔经济学奖得主的著作为样本,采用文献计量法,交叉比对两两数据库的重复性及独特性。所选的6个数据库及系统,包括商业引文数据库Web of Science及Scopus,开放获取引文系统Google Scholar、Microsoft Academic Search、OAIster、OpenDOAR。其中,Google Scholar及Microsoft Academic Search为综合性学科搜索引擎系统,OAIster、OpenDOAR为汇集式机构典藏系统。研究结果表明:在数据完整性、重复性和独特性上,搜索引擎最优,其次为商业引文数据库,再次为汇集式机构典藏系统。
      In this study, scholarly communication system of commercial services and open access wil be examined through user interface and comprehensiveness of coverage for commercial citation index databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and open access citation system (Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, OAIster and OpenDOAR). Retrievals wil be conducted in the six citation index databases and systems stated above to analyze and compare their retrieval interfaces, and evaluations of each system wil be made as wel according to the output of retrieval results. Noble laureates in economic sciences from 2001 to 2012 are selected as samples in this study. Bibliographic records of their publications wil be retrieved and downloaded from each system, and a computer program wil be developed to perform the analytical tasks of sorting, comparison, elimination, aggregation and statistics. Bibliographic records retrieved from the six databases and systems wil undertake quantitative analyses and cross references to determine the comprehensiveness of their system coverage. The results of the study may provide bet er references for libraries to acquire citation index databases, to build institutional repositories, or to create citation index systems on their own in the future. Suggestions on indicators and tools for academic assessment wil be presented based on the comprehensiveness assessment of each system as wel .
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