A Patent-citation-network-based Method for Patent Industrialization Evaluation:a Case Study of Fuel Cell
中文关键词: 专利产业化;专利引证网络;连接度算法;搜索路径节点统计值;燃料电池
英文关键词: Patent Industrialization;Patent Citation Network;Connectivity Algorithm;Search Path Node Count;Fuel Cel
许琦 台州职业技术学院 
林晗 台州市中心医院 
摘要点击次数: 2092
全文下载次数: 1579
      The article uses the method of mathematical statistics to measure the importance and values of patents in the technology development process, and evaluates the situation of patent industrialization from the perspective of patent citation. The inheritance and development of technological trajectories between citing patents and cited patents are mined by patent citation analysis, focusing on the quality of a patent citation and the inspiring of a patent on the subsequent technology development. The concept of search path node count and its calculation method are put forward by the reference to the calculation principle of Connectivity Algorithm. The patents with the largest number of search path node count and their citation paths are col ected along the direction of patent citation to the evaluation subset, forming several continuous technological trajectories. And then they can be used for evaluating the possibilities of patent industrialization. The article col ects 3 054 patents related to the fuel cel which were granted between 1873 and 2002 from the database of United States Patent and Trademark Office, queries from the patent data set of National Bureau of Economic Research to get 14 214 patent citations and uses the network analysis software Pajek to build a patent citation network as the experimental data. The experimental results show that, the proposed method is effective. It is consistent with the actual situations of patent industrialization, and can be used as the instructions of patent industrialization.
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