Review on Foreign Social Media Research from the Perspective of the Citation of a Hot Article
中文关键词: 社会化媒体;用户生成内容;用户关系;用户行为;满意度;综述
英文关键词: Social Media;User Generated Content;User Relation;User Behavior;Satisfaction;Review
杨海娟 武汉大学 
查先进 武汉大学 
摘要点击次数: 2291
全文下载次数: 1976
      社会化媒体是指一组基于Web 2.0的互联网应用,允许用户创造和交流信息。社会化媒体可以看成是一种社会化图书馆系统。Kaplan和Haenlein于2010年发表的论文“Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media”在社会化媒体研究中占居重要地位。本研究对引用了该文且被SSCI数据库收录的期刊论文进行统计分析,从热门论文被引视角展现国外社会化媒体研究的现状和热点。结果表明,2010-2015年国外社会化媒体研究呈现出持续升温的态势,许多高被引作者的学术观点得到广泛的关注和认可;美国对社会化媒体的研究成果位居全球第一;高校是社会化媒体研究的主要阵地,研究人员主要来自商业经济学、计算机科学、图书馆学情报学三个领域。同时,结合关键词词频统计分析和相关论文的内容分析,总结出近年来国外对社会化媒体的研究热点集中在五个方面:用户生成内容研究、社会化媒体的应用研究、用户关系研究、用户行为研究、用户接受和满意度研究。
      Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on Web 2.0, and that al ow the creation and exchange of information by users. Social media can be regarded as an important social library system. The paper“Users of the world, unite! The chal enges and opportunities of social media”by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) has played an important role in social media research. In the current study, a statistical analysis was performed on the papers which not only cited this paper but also was indexed by Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), so as to present the status and hotspot issues of foreign social media research. The results indicate that foreign researches on social media have developed rapidly and steadily from 2010 to 2015, with a number of highly cited authors’ academic viewpoints being extensively concerned and recognized. Meanwhile, America ranks first in the achievements of social media research. Universities are the main institutions of social media research and the researchers are mainly from the fields of business economics, computer science and information science library science. Moreover, based on the word frequency statistics of keywords and the content analysis of relative papers, five research hotspot issues were summarized in foreign social media research, namely, user generated content, social media applications, user relationships, user behavior and user adoption and satisfaction.
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