Knowledge Ecosystem:Libraries in New Media Era
中文关键词: 图书馆转型;主动知识服务;知识生态系统;知联网;知识云;群体知识工程
英文关键词: Library transition;Active knowledge service;Knowledge ecosystem;Internet of Knowledge (IoK);Knowledge cloud;Crowd knowledge engineering
居德华 华东理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 2170
全文下载次数: 1393
      To implement effective transition of the library and create higher value of the Library's active knowledge service, it is proposed to build the knowledge ecosystem based on the library platform. Being aware of the emerging historic opportunity of networked knowledge era and on the strength of internet high connectivity, the service-goal oriented knowledge organization and resource integration are accomplished through developing corresponding“Internet of Knowledge”(IoK),“Internet of People”(IoP) and“Internet of Services”(IoSs) etc., i.e. the so-cal ed pil ars of the future Internet. Supported by the cloud computing platform, the public“Knowledge Cloud”service can be implemented to provide on-demand knowledge acquisition for wide access, which upgrades the Internet application from the information superhighway toward the“Knowledge Superhighway” -a vital software infrastructure for the smart city and state. To facilitate such an ambitious infrastructure project, the“Crowd Knowledge Engineering”methodology has been put forward to promote open innovation and crowd sourced co-creation by utilizing the public ecosystem platform with wide participation and taking the advantages of col ective wisdom and power of the crowd work. The approach proposed has been adopted in building the Zhoushan Ocean Digital Library to support development of the marine economy, and meanwhile planned to provide more comprehensive knowledge-based support to major issues in the State 13th -Five-years development plan, which wil hopeful y turn the library ecosystem to be a real driven engine in economic development and innovation.
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