The Development of a Standard Measuring Tool for Medical Students' Information Literacy (Two):Test Items
中文关键词: 医学生;信息素养;标准化测评工具
英文关键词: Medical students;Information literacy;Standard measuring tool
许卫卫 华中科技大学同济医学院 
杜建 北京大学深圳医院 
张士靖 北京大学深圳医院 
摘要点击次数: 2175
全文下载次数: 1373
      The measuring theoretical framework of Medical students' information literacy consists of four dimensions;they are information awareness, information knowledge, information ability, and information ethics morals. After evaluating the test items validity (its accuracy, clarity and applicability) through expert consultation method, researchers cut the amount of the test system and scientific processing for particular items is done. They also build different weighting coefficients for each test item with comprehensive index method. Factor analysis method is being used to test the construct validity and four common factors are put forward, which are in conformity with the four dimensions of the measuring theoretical framework. The variance analysis shows that the differences in the level of information literacy amongst medical students, eight-year clinical medical students and health management undergraduates are statistical y significant (P<0.05), and have a good discriminant validity. The overal reliability of the evaluation system is relatively high and the effect scales show that after the intervention of taking Medical Literature Retrieval and Utilization, the information literacy of medical students achieve an overal improvements greatly as wel as each dimension level. The final standard measuring tool turns out to be possibly used to measure the information literate level of medical students.
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