A Survey of E-Book Usage among University Library Patrons in Taiwan
中文关键词: 电子书;电子书使用行为;台湾学术电子书联盟
英文关键词: E-Book;E-Book usage behavior;Taiwan Academic E-Books Consortium
陈昭珍 国立台湾师范大学 
谢文真 国立成功大学 
詹丽萍 中兴大学 
陈雪华 台湾大学 
摘要点击次数: 2124
全文下载次数: 1427
      The importance of e-books avaliable online has exponentially been increasing in the services offered by university libranes in Taiwan as academics have spent ever more effort to dig in the expanding wealth of information readilty in circulation in the internet cyberspace.This survey research is conducted to provide a statistically comprehensive understanding of e-books usage behavior among university libraries patrons,including faculty,staff members,post-graduate and undergraduate students.In 2010 a survey was conducted among e-books consortium in Taiwan and a total of 26,120 participants from 91 higher education institutions responded to our questionnaires and the data thus gathered were analyzed in accordance to the participants'responses to the following questions:Have they used e-books? How often do they use them? What channels and venues do they use in gaining access to e-books? How much inclined are the in using e-books?What motivates them to use e-books?What defficulties have they encountered in using e-books and how have they been resolved?What would they rate as the priority considerations in terms of e-books quality and their functions?How satisfied are they in their experience using e-books? Our findings yield an overview as follows:over 60% of faculty,researchers,graduate student use e-books;over 50% of patrons in the categories of faculty,researchers,graduate students would prefer using e-books over hard-copy counterparts when both formats are equally available for the purpose,while undergraduates still side with paper copies ;factors influencing usage of e-books include clarity of information digitally formatted and transmitted,easiness and friendliness in using,speed and immediacy in access,and the requirements to be met for access .This study results also evidently show that the issue of the urgent need to enlarge the scope and volumes of e-books should be addressed as soon as possible.
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