The Visualization Analysis of Evolution Pathway, Research Hotspots and Research Fronts of International Health Literacy
中文关键词: 信息素养;演进路径;研究热点;研究前沿;同被引分析;信息可视化;CiteSpace
基金项目:本文系教育部人史社科基金"基于构建主义理论和E-Learning构建专业信息素质教育平台" (批准号07JA870011)系列成果之一.
姚强 华中科技大学同济医学院 
刘小利 华中科技大学同济医学院 
杜建 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
张士靖 华中科技大学同济医学院 
摘要点击次数: 1993
全文下载次数: 1725
      文章目的在于梳理30多年来健康素养领域研究的演进路径,揭示研究热点与研究前沿.为此,将1 990一201 o年s CI、sscI数据库中收录的主题为"健康素养"的论文数据作为研究对象,应用citespace知识可视化软件绘制文献共被引网络图谱,析出健康素养演进过程中的关键节点文献;并应用其文献共引一名词短语混合网络图谱、关键词聚类和膨胀词探测功能分析了研究热点与研究前沿.11篇关键节点文献很好地展示了健康素养领域研完的演进路径,2个明显的聚类以及19个突现词表征了研究热点与研究前沿.文章认为健康素养和精神健康素养是目前两个主流研究领域.健康素养内涵、健康材料的可读性、快速测评工具和方法、健康教育、突发性事件以及以艾滋病为代表的慢性病与传染病是健康素养的研究前沿与发展趋势.
      The aim of this paper is to reveal the evolution in the latest 30 years, research hotspots and research fronts of Health Literacy. We retrieved the whole documents data by topic word "health literacy" from 1990 to 2010 in SCI, SSCI. Documents are visualized through a number of co-citation maps. which filtered the critical node documents in the evolution of health literacy research by knowledge visualization tool, CiteSpace. We also applied its function of document-noun phrase network ,keywords clusting and burst detecting to analyse the research hotspots and research fronts. 11 critical node documents perfectly showed the evolution pathway of health literacy research, 2 clear clusters and 19 burst terms indicated the research hotspots and research fronts. Health literacy and mental health literacy are two domain research fields of health literacy. Such subjects or fields as connotation of health literacy, health materials' readability, rapid assessment of literacy levels, health education,emergency and chronic disease or infections represented by AIDS are research fronts and development trends in future.
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